Do you know what's really nifty? Sorry, that joke was unavoidable. But it's also unavoidable that you're going to visit this site for all your erotic literature needs. There's a lot of porn out there. A LOT of porn. But sometimes we need a change of pace. We need something to engage our "mind boner" if that's a thing. You know what I mean, okay? We need to remember what it was like before porn was literally in a super-computer in our pockets. We need to remember a simpler time when dial-up speeds ruled/ruined our pervy little lives. Why? To appreciate how far we've come!
As usual, this brand of website embraces all things minimalistic. It's all about that text so this shouldn't be an issue. We're going to imagine these tits and ass, remember? When you load up this site, you'll see a section for categories, announcements, and recent donors. I think it's nice (or should I say nifty?) of them to give shout-outs to their supporters. Every bit of user recognition counts when your business model and site's survival is predicated on keeping your fans happy.
When you click on their sidebar menu, you'll see the links for Archives, New Stories, Authors, Donate, and Shop. There's also a search bar field if you want to look for a specific keyword or genre. One of the more charming aspects here for me is the online store. It's a link to a Cafe Press website with options for shirts, hoodies, and even underwear to sport your Nifty pride. I'm sorry, that's just adorable if you ask me.
When it comes to erotic literature, you're either a fan or you're not. Some of us are too visually driven and programmed by our new social media overlords to not read more than a few dozen characters at a time. But I don't say that to discourage you from trying to read more. We could all benefit from a nice reading assignment, especially when it involves kinky themes and potential orgasms when you finish. Give a visit. I think you'll truly enjoy your time there.