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Best Porn Forums

If you enjoy being active in online porn communities, then you'll definitely dig this list of porn forum sites. They are places where people share High-Resolution photos and HD porn videos, among many other related things. This is also a good way to keep track of news in the world of adult entertainment, and to discover weird things you didn't know existed. You help someone out, they help you out…

Let's say you're interested in some content from the ATK network, but you can't afford the membership. There are people on these forums that have memberships, and therefore can download the photos as Zip files, and then share them with you. That's cool. The content is categorized, too: Extreme Videos, Scat Videos, Softcore Videos, Transsexual Videos, Vintage Videos, etc., etc. There is a lot of stuff to check out, and it's all 100% free. You can even find Virtual Reality porn in there!

Things get pretty specific, too. For example, I'm looking at a collection right now called Beautiful Girls Peeing. It's not grandmas peeing (maybe another thread will help you out with that if you're interested), it's not skanky-ass bitches peeing… it's beautiful girls peeing. You know what I mean? Anyway, you know how they say that people don't like to share? Well, this is proof that a lot of people do like to share, at least some things. Celebrity photos, celebrity videos, adult comics, amateur photos, animated videos. There's enough entertainment to keep you busy for a while.

One of these forum sites is called Viper Girls. On this website, you also have a section with access to live cam shows, a section with games, a section with news, and a lot more. It's a huge source of information for those interested in the porn industry. You can leave comments asking or answering questions, you can ask for a specific thing, and if someone has it they'll share it with you…

ViperGirls.to has its own studio shooting specifically for the site. Another site included in the list is Phun.org, which works more or less the same, but you'll find different stuff in there, and also different participants who may have content that you can't find on Viper Girls. This is all about exploring, seeing what the options are, and coming across things you were looking for, and things you were not looking for but you are glad you found them.

In my case, for example, a site's design will definitely make a difference when it comes to choosing. If a site is designed in a way that is confusing for me, or if I don't like the colors because they make everything funky instead of clear and easy to locate, then I'll go like, "Fuck this shit", and move on to a better designed site with an appearance that I dig more. When it comes to forums, it's the same, so check out this list and see which website you prefer. Be part of an online porn community!

4chan.org keeps a basic approach to the internet and is basically just a message board where anyone can share images and comment on them. It's the community that really has kept this...

Looking for somewhere to chat with other people and join one of the most active communities? You need to drop everything and rush on over to the FreeOnes Board. Out of all the porn forums...

Hello there, fellow web-surfer! Looking for some free porn? Well, tube sites are fine, but you can get your hands on cool, full-length stuff on forum sites, did you know that? Take Planet...

If you want a place where you can freely discuss all things pornography, then PornBB is the site for you. Things that would be too salacious to talk about at work and too inappropriate...

Isn’t it weird how the entire world is so obsessed with dicks? I mean, I get why women are, but men are too. What the fuck is that? For some bizarre reason, there’s this popular...

If you want to know where all the cool vintage erotica is at, join Vintage Erotica Forum. There are hundreds of users sharing, and discussing, and interacting with each other inside....

Forumophilia is a mega-library where every twisted fantasy and dark desire you've harbored finds its corner. With over a decade of debauchery under its belt and a whopping 19...

The internet has come a long way since the days of forums. Back then, forums were everything – you could find all kinds of info, videos, photos, and a real sense of community. Those...

Porn doesn't always need to be immediately in your face, and sometimes visiting a more basic gathering of others with similar tastes can be just the sort of escape and socialization a...

There is a place for everyone online, and it's only a matter of finding it. You won't have to go searching the forbidden deep web for pregnancy fetish, as the Preggophilia forum...

Before the internet turned into the non-stop porn machine it is today, I was out here reading erotic stories just to get something going. Getting your hands on actual porn back then?...

What would the world be without porn? It’s a question I’ve occasionally pondered. Sure, some people fall into the trap of being addicted to porn, but for others, it’s...

ErotiCity is a smut sanctuary stashed with an avalanche of fresh content. This is a huge fucking forum, more of a city; it is a twisted metropolis. It is built to house every...

Dick Flash is a forum for those of you who consider yourself to be an exhibitionist. Someone who doesn't mind standing out from the crowd and knows what he likes and what his kinks are....

AnonSharer seems to want to have everything you could need all within the one site. Loads of porn forums to explore, free tube sites, you name it and they seem to have it. I'll be honest,...

Everyone knows that girls just wanna have fun, and inside of Phun.org they are. Best of all, they're doing it without their clothes on and with the knowledge that complete strangers are...