Fapnado.com is a catchy name, so catchy in fact I think it reminds me of a cheesy movie where sharks fall from the sky. It doesn't surprise me in the least to view with my own eyes that this free porn tube has a good collection of HD porn videos. One the homepage you have all the usual stuff that you come to expect such as the top-rated videos, videos being watched, the latest HD videos, and so forth and that is a welcoming thing to see.
At the top of the page you have the tags, categories, models, store, search, and so forth. While I am on the subject of categories you can sort by the most videos, alphabetically, most rated, and most views. The video's all seem to load nice and fast but just be aware once you click on a video to load you usually get a pop-up ad and you also have yet another ad when at the start of the video as well, it isn't a deal-breaker so to speak but just be wary of it.
Navigation is just what I expected and also what I am used to seeing on an adult porn tube and I think Fapnado does a good job of it. I didn't notice a free membership option but perhaps that's something that will be added in due time. Overall I get a nice experience using the site and trust me when I say the porn videos are well worth a look!