Xmegadrive.com blends together a stack of free porn videos and offers you a nice experience while you watch them online. Free porn tubes are not a new thing, but we still manage to get plenty of new xxx porn tubes all fighting for a chance to have us visit them. To stand out from the crowd these new porn sites have to have something that gives them an edge, but what does Xmegadrive.com have going for it?
Well, Xmegadrive.com has unrestricted browsing, a decent amount of porn categories to explore and the ability to download videos if you choose to become a premium member. I'll be the first to say I think the last part of that sucks. I'm looking for a free porn tube, not another excuse to reach into my pocket just to download a bunch of premium xxx videos. I'll look past that, but just because I want to see what else Xmegadrive.com has to offer.
The design isn't anything to write home about. It's basic to say the least, but that isn't always a bad thing. Sticking to something that you know works is better than trying something that only makes you want to leave. Speaking of leaving, those ads they have going on make me want to do that. I get they need to make a few bucks to cover the costs to host the site, but seriously, I think this is getting on the verge of becoming a deal breaker for me.
It took a good couple of minutes before I was finally able to get a working video, thanks to those ads and having to close all of them just to watch a porn video. I guess I should get an ad blocker, but that's also a pain in the ass as well. Overall I can say this, Xmegadrive.com does have a good amount of content but I am not sure if it is going to be enough to keep me there.