I just happened to be in the market for a new porn tube to add to my collection. Call it fate if you wish or just call it whatever you want but I just happened to find myself at Hdzog.com. First impressions are always important and you obviously only get to make one of them. Honestly, nothing really blew me away at HD Zog but I also felt right at home making my way through the impressive collection of HD porn videos.
It takes only three seconds for you to notice just how stacked with free porn videos this site is. It has plenty, and even if I spent a week here I doubt I would make even the slightest dent in the collection. Still, I was going to try my best and that's all I could do. I decided to click on a video and see what they would offer. With my first click and I noticed an advertisement pop up, no biggie right? Well, my next click and I had the same thing happen again. I know these sites have to make money to give out free porn but seriously?
I'd like to talk about the content for a second as well. When you have a name such as Hdzog.com I would expect the content to be good, but was it? Obviously, I didn't watch every single video on the site, nobody has time for that. I did check out a variety of different xxx videos and the quality was good. At least that's something they got right. I'd like to see them improve in a few other areas but all in all, I think a visit to HD Zog is going to be a wise choice to make.