could be yet another tube to add to your daily list of xxx sites to visit. It sports a black color scheme that seems to be a standard with online tube sites. When you visit I would strongly advise using google translate to change the text to English, that is of course if you're not fluent in Czech and I am obviously not.
There isn't all that much going on in the homepage but that isn't always such a bad thing. You have categories, search, and basic navigation at the top area of the page and when you scroll down further you'll see the latest videos with the numbers below it to go to the next page for more hardcore sex.
I see a link at the top of the page to add a video and when I clicked that I did get a pop-up advertisement. Nonetheless, the form to submit a video looks easy enough to follow. Once I decided what video I wanted to take a look at I clicked the thumbnail and once again another pop-up advertisement happened and that obviously annoyed me.
Once on the video page, I started to see a trend with a rather large amount of advertisements surrounding the video. Clicking the thumbnail to play the video I was almost at my limits, yet another advertisement decided to pop up and ruin my day. I wasn't exactly thrilled with the video quality and I started to wonder what it was that I was doing here?
Below the video, I could submit a rating if I wished and it had a good amount of tags below it as well. I just wasn't feeling it to be honest and I'm not sure that you will. I feel a visit to Pornovka might be worth it for you if even just to see how it is for yourself, but I will leave that in your hands!