If you’re into spanking, and free porn, then what better option than Spanking Tube? This neat tube site offers us a superb variety of spanking content, including men spanking women, women spanking men, women spanking other women… you get the idea. And it offers all of that in HD, no less, so… we’ve got a nice little tube site on our hands here, ladies and gents. The content is very, very erotic, and hot. Teens and MILFs alike are part of this spanking world, so there’s spanking for everybody! Paddling, caning, and other forms of flagellation (belts, whips, etc.) are also found inside, so prepare for a nice treat that you can enjoy on your own, with your girlfriend, or whatever!
Sometimes it’s an older gentleman spanking a beautiful young blonde on his couch (discipline needs to be taught), and sometimes things go as far as sex dungeons and BDSM. Still, you’ll find a nice variety of things in between while exploring the video library. You’ll see many shades and degrees of red on pale butt cheeks! The girl-on-girl spanking videos are particularly exquisite. Sometimes it’s a group of young girls, and sometimes it’s a mature “dominatrix” reddening the ass cheeks of a young cutie with her palms and the help of other objects (like shoes and whatnot). Surprisingly, there are no annoying ads when you hit the play button on the videos and no ads when you hit pause on it. You will see some ads to the left, though, but that’s nowhere near as annoying as when they show up on your video, so, no complaints there.
These are clips — that’s how tube sites work. If you want the full-length movie, you can get it, but it costs money. The free stuff goes as far as streaming clips (which, to be honest, are enough to get the job done in most cases if you know what I mean). There’s also a “blogs” section, where you and other users can share kinky stories and other things involving the spanking fetish. Here’s a tube site with all the spanking porn you need, and it’s free, so… step inside and take a look. I’m pretty sure you’ll like what you’ll find.