I thought the first thing I was going to notice with my visit to Shegods.com was the smoking hot trannies. But it wasn't the first thing that caught my attention. The first thing that stood out to me was the color choice of this shemale porn site. I wasn't sure if I should love it or hate it. But let's move on, at least for the moment.
The Shegods.com site loaded fast, it appeared to have a good amount of shemale videos, so how about we just explore it and see if it does manage to impress. My first job was going to be looking through some of the content and taking a look to see if it was going to be up to my standards. I had a smile on my face right from when I clicked the first video. I had a smile because when I clicked that video I actually got the video that I had clicked on. I couldn't tell you how many times I have been messed about when clicking on something only to have something else show up. You guys know how annoying that is and I bet it has happened on multiple occasions for you as well.
So far things seemed to be going well. Could I push my luck and find out what else Shegods.com had to offer? I sure could and signing up for an account was what I did next. With an account, I could upload and also take advantage of some other things as well.
Downloading the videos from Shegods.com is just another box they manage to tick. I do have my own collection of shemale videos so when I find a new one it's nice to know it is just a simple click and that video is added to my collection. Shegods.com also has mobile support, and plenty of shemale categories, it just has everything a lover of shemale porn needs. I can't see why it couldn't be your new favorite shemale porn tube!