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Making an account at takes just a few seconds and it seems to be worth it. Once you have a free account you can interact with the community and use the features that come with it. Navigation is basic but does what you would expect it to do. Tags are decent with a good amount of them to explore. What I found lacking was the categories, just one category and while I can understand why that is, it doesn't mean that I agree with it. With the diverse amount of content, I feel they should also have a diverse category range as well.
The homepage at loads fast enough and has a good feel to it. It doesn't take a genius to find what hentai porn comic you want to read and you can also use the inbuilt search engine if you wish. Overall, I think Sexadultcomics is a decent enough site but they also need to improve on a few things as well. I think the majority of you are going to notice soon enough what those things are, but feel free to take a look for yourself when you visit!