is the go-to site for free streaming adult entertainment. With extensive category selection and high-quality content, you'll see why this is the first stop for many viewers. Can you blame them? While many will go on to paid sites or more niche-centric providers, Porn Hub is like a premiere buffet where you first discover your favorite tasty treats. But more and more users are also turning to PornHub as their primary membership site as well. Here's why.
It cannot be overstated just how much content can be found on Right at the top of their homepage you immediately see a search bar which (at the time of this review) proclaims “Search 6,837,429 videos.” Chances are good that somewhere in those nearly 7 Million scenes you'll find what you're looking for. Obviously none of us have the time to browse such a large number of videos, but at least you know this will be a fun journey. And make no mistake, Pornhub is more than capable of guiding to the perfect content.
What really shines here is the Category search. For production value you can search by All, Professional, Homemade, along with Duration (1-40 minutes). Are you looking for Live Cams, videos popular with women, verified amateurs, verified models, or virtual reality? And then comes the extensive list of specialized interests ranging from A to Z, or in this case Anal to Webcam. (I couldn't find a Z category. I was honestly hoping for some Zombie threesomes.)
But why exactly are users making their first choice over the competition? They now have a paid membership option called Pornhub Premium. Members get over 100K additional full-length and high-quality 1080P and 4K videos (including Virtual Reality content). Did I mention no ads? It's like having access to all the major porn sites partners like Brazzers, Net Video Girls, Digital Playground, and lots more, but truly only needing this one “hub” to enjoy them.
With more and more porn sites popping up all the time, remains a convenient and quality choice to simplify the process of finding and enjoying the best porn without putting in any additional time and hassle. Let's all remember why we watch porn to begin with. It's all about getting off, and Porn Hub is king at helping you do just that.