Check out and enjoy thousands of free Hentai porn videos. They’ve got your favorite schoolgirls in sailor suits doing a wide range of nasty things across an amazing collection of skillfully drawn Hentai animations. Many artists are represented on Mucho Hentai, providing us all with amazing videos you can fap to.
The site looks like your typical free tube site and that isn't such a bad thing. Having used many of these types of sites before made it very easy for me to navigate my way around as I checked out all the free goodies on offer. Advertising seems to be kept to a minimum and as I use an ad blocker I didn't have to experience any annoying pop-ups. If you don’t use one, you may see a couple of pop-ups as a video starts up.
One of the first things I did was look at the menu options. There’s Hentai Series List, Genre List, Latest Hentai Posts, Release Calendar, PV Previews, HMV, Doujins, About Us, Best Hentai Sites and Random.
I was first drawn to the Genre List and when I held down the mouse click it opened up a full page with ABC type listings. Now something I haven’t mentioned yet is that the site offers both Spanish and English along with Japanese language options. I was seriously impressed not only with the mega niche offerings, but that a lot of them continued to break down the menu by language and in some cases, by the year it appeared.
The English versions are offered as subbed, dubbed and raw. You will want “dubbed” if you aren’t into reading captions and hearing the vocals in Japanese.
I have no way of giving you a video count, but rest assured it surpasses 3,800! And these aren’t 5 minute quickies. Some videos were running 25 minutes or more and come in 2 or 3 episodes. I had to check out a few of these videos, and I have to tell you, they are top shelf.
And I can’t believe it’s all FREE! So clear your calendar and go check out!