Motherless is a large porn tube that boasts 100% user-contributed content. This is not typical amateur porn, and it is not the same old stuff that most other tube sites are offering. Motherless takes pleasure in pushing boundaries and venturing down dark rabbit holes to bring you fetishes and curiosities you didn't even know existed.
Before we go any further in this review, I feel a warning is in order. There has been some scandal involving the Motherless site in the past, but it promises to only allow fully legal content on its platform. There is some weird, gross, uncomfortable, and unethical porn that you will come across if you dare to start exploring the site. This is not mainstream, vanilla fucking. The site even has a WTF category. There is scat, vomit, prolapse, supposedly real incest, midget exploitation, extreme insertions, abuse, CBT, and that's only the start. Proceed with caution going in.
Motherless doesn't have a fancy design. The header contains links to the various sections of the site and the search bar. Beneath that, you will see thumbnails to the content. Clicking on videos will take you to the most recent uploads. From there you can sort by popularity, most comments, favorites, and so on.
The current most viewed video on the site is of an 18+ teen giving a blowjob under a table. She really takes her time sucking, slobbering, and licking. It is very amateur and homemade with her having a random conversation with a guy whose face is never shown, as she bobs her head up and down. It's a great blowjob video and surprisingly tame compared to a lot of the other content on the site.
In addition to the videos, you will also find a ton of images. The first pictures I saw here were of a hairy man squeezing his balls in a vice grip. It was painful to look at. After that, I saw images of a stunning redhead beauty with perfect natural tits and carpet matching the drapes. My enjoyment of that was quickly diminished when the next image was of a woman with Down's Syndrome posing nude and making me question the state of humanity.
In addition to the above, the site also offers lots of user interaction through message boards and chat. There is also a section for classified ads.
Motherless is a free tube site that won't be to everyone's liking, but if you are looking for highly taboo amateur smut, it's a good place to start.