Check out and enjoy some cool free porn. They’ve got your favorite TV show and videogame characters (like Leela, from Futurama, and the snu-snu girls, among others) doing a wide range of nasty things across a stupendous collection of skillfully drawn comics. Many artists are contributing to this website, proving us all with amazing art you can fap to.
These are not crappy versions of characters you know and love; these are drawings made by people with the same level of skills as the artists that actually draw your favorite cartoons. When Leela from Futurama pulls down her tights and exposes her ass, it looks as if it had been drawn by Matt Groening himself. When she pulls up her top and exposes her big, succulent titties, the same! But then there are other original creations. Characters these artists come up with themselves to present you with curvy girls with big booties, stunning blondes, exotic Asian girls, and a lot more. Again, these are talented artists! The perspective points are masterfully used, the proportions are on point (except when they exaggerate them on purpose to give their character massive tits and stuff like that), the light and shadow values are correctly employed, and so on. But that’s just the drawing part, and these comics are more than just that. They are also great storyboards with fantastic stories and exciting dialogs. You’ll love them!
Besides 2D comics, there are also 3D comics. If this is a new concept to you, go ahead and check it out. They’ve got a pretty cool collection of it as well, and the rendering of the characters is just fucking amazing. It is every bit as arousing as watching real people, or more if this is your kinda thing. Besides comics, there are also image galleries, hentai, and doujinshi, which in Japanese means “self-published,” and it refers to manga. By the way, the plural of “manga” is “manga.” That’s just how things work with Japanese. For instance, “cat” is “neko,” but “cats” is also “neko.” There’s a free lesson for you. Ain’t that great? Anyway, check out this awesome stuff!