Oh boy, I do hope you're in the mood for a good time. I do love it when I get the somewhat rare pleasure of visiting a gay porn site that actually has decent content. Some of the hunks from Gaytail.com are to die for and I wouldn't say no to any of them offering me a little mouth to mouth.
This free twink tube updates regularly and boasts a very large collection of gay porn videos. The search engine on the site works well and it does return relevant results when you use it. Users are encouraged to make a free account and it takes only seconds to do so and once approved you can use it to your advantage.
The site design at GayTail is normal for a free porn tube and I don't think that's a bad thing. Navigation is easy with the categories, tags, actors and so forth running down the left-hand side of the page with the videos to the right of that. As far as features go it seems to have most of the standard ones that gay tube sites seem to have.
The sorting options are a nice touch indeed. You can sort by most viewed, longest scenes, newest and so forth. Many of you will be going right for the longest gay sex videos and I don't blame you in the slightest. Overall I would happily tell my gay sex buddies about Gay Tail and I wouldn't hesitate in telling them to go there for a visit!