Area 51, in this case, is not a secret military base in the Nevada desert hiding alien bodies from the Roswell, New Mexico spaceship crash. As interesting as that is, we suspect the name of this porn list was chosen to encapsulate the sense of a well-guarded secret; something for the eyes of perverts-only, to spectate in out-of-this-world porn. It's our guess, anyway – we're only told the name of the site and that it offers "The Best Porn Sites" because "We Love Porn". How innocuous – simply stated just as the American government would do – nothing to see here, folks.
Oh, but there is so much to see at! At the risk of being detained and secured in a dark cell somewhere while our known existence is completely erased from public record, allow us to shed light on the treasures to be found within this online sexual variant of Area 51. Some of the more interesting sites we noted throughout our visit were the Porn Pin Sites (a XXX knock-off of Pinterest, we think), Porn Comics, Porn Fails, and Porn Passwords – the latter being where users can get login info to well-known porn sites, apparently. Now we're getting somewhere with the intent behind the name of this site, aren't we? Such a dirty little secret, Area51…
Aside from those previously noted unique list features, the primary platter of this site offers up Best, Latest, Top, Free, and Premium Porn Sites. And, true to its name, Area51 seems to have somehow reverse-engineered the makings of these sites to deliver us real-time 'current' offerings. How? Well, we don't know exactly how they've done it, but users can see the sites listed in a rank based on how productive the site on the list has been recently as well as sites listed based on where users are coming from and where users are going from this platform – within the last 24 hours – nice! And somewhat creepy – but we appreciate the insight of where the crowd may be trending. And, although we may have spilled the beans on some fun stuff and secret passwords, we can sincerely say there aren't any alien bodies hidden within this one (we think).