Aloha Tube is your online porn paradise that embeds hot adult content from all over the web. In other words, like many other porn aggragates out there, Aloha Tube does not own, produce, host, or upload any videos displayed on this website—they only link to them. As such, far from being a “lonely island” in the tropics, Aloha Tube is one busy little hub—although we will say it’s something of a hidden gem too. If you’re on the prowl for a no-frills, but no-holds barred source of great hardcore, features content in hundreds of different niches—in fact, there’s so much content, you might be overwhelmed!
At the time we write this review, they have over 11.1 million videos total and typically add 6-figures worth of new movies each and every week. Basically that means more porn hits this site every 5 minutes, which is pretty damn sweet if you’re always looking for something different every time.
To use Aloha Tube, you need only scroll and click. That’s pretty much it—there are no gimmicks, and nothing too weird going on here (unless you’re in the fetish section maybe!) But joking aside, Aloha Tube has a really pared-down and super-basic site layout: you either use the thumbnails to browse by niche, or you can scroll all the way down and browse an alphabetized list of everything fap-able under the sun basically. We wish you could sort by porn star or studio, but cest la vie—and it’s hard to complain anyway, because thank goodness all this amazing content is free.
As far as the “sources” go, when we were scrolling through, it looks like Aloha Tube gets clips from sources who do feature some major porn studios, like Digital Playground, Adult Time, Brazzers, etc. Plus, if you love amateur uploads, it looks like they have plenty of this kind of porn too. All told, we think it’s safe to skip the tanning lotion and go right to the lube—if you plan on spending the day enjoying Aloha Tube!