Looking for a pile of great porn all in one place? 3movs.com is a huge porn tube site filled with high quality content. If you think that the users Pornhub, Redtube and Xhamster get to have all the fun, think again! 3movs has existed since 2004, which means that they’ve had over fifteen years to perfect their process of ripping great clips. It’s a process that is very dear to their horny hearts too! In their own words: “…we rip most part of our videos ourselves and encode them with H.264 HD codec, so you will not find here shitty quality FLV videos with low resolution.” You might not understand what the eff that means (we don’t really either), but trust us: this is a good thing! In other words, you won’t have to keep on scrolling and loading just to be disappointed when that nasty close-up looks blurry compared to the screen cap. Another thing we love: nothing in the video title fails to be in the video. Isn’t it the bane of your existence when you search for something like “lesbian strapon” and just get a clip where the girls are using a magic wand? Well, that crap doesn’t happen on 3movs because they actually appear to give a shit about indexing and organizing their content properly. We know: it sounds almost too good to be true, but surf on over and see for yourself!
3movs.com is wall-to-wall screen caps of countless enticing options. Now, between the search feature and category menu, you can definitely search and sort content with ease if there’s something specific you’re on the hunt for; however, in our humble opinion, half the fun of 3movs is getting stiff while scrolling! You’ll also notice 3movs has a convenient index of porn stars, so if you want to find all of the scenes of your favorite stars, it’s a breeze. Another really great feature of 3movs is the Community area. Under Community you will find even more free content in the form of user submissions. If you prefer live sex, then you’ll also find a link to live cams too.
Move your butt on over to 3movs right away and start enjoying some of the best free porn content around!